If you’re keen on saving time and money, then perhaps you want to add garage door maintenance to your list of things to do.
Here’s what we recommend you do:
1. Check everything works
You’ll want to check that everything works on your garage door as expected.
Perhaps you use your garage door every day and will know when something’s not right, or perhaps you only use it a couple of times a month.
Have a look at the opener, door, handle, and lock to make sure that it all works.
Remember to check your automatic garage door opener too if you have one.
2. Check for damage
Perhaps your garage door has been battered by a storm, or has very obvious damage to it due to a car driving into your garage door.
There may be less obvious signs of damage, such as fraying cables, rusting springs or it’s just slow or noisy when opening and closing your door.
3. Check it’s weather proof
You’ll want to check that your garage door is weatherproof.
Rain, snow, storms and sun can damage garage doors, and let in wind and water.
You don’t want the first sign of a leaking garage door to be everything in your garage is wet.
4. Check the screws
Ensure that all the screws and other fittings are tight and secure, and replace any that are missing.
Whilst you might have suitable screws already, you’ll want to check that they are up to the job.
5. Check the frame
Check the garage door frame.
If it’s damaged or rotting, then your garage door may not be as secure or work as it should do.
6. Clean the tracks
Cleaning the tracks regularly will remove the dust and other debris that might cause problems.
You can brush the worst out, and then use a cloth to make sure you’ve got them really clean.
7. Lubricate
Once clean you’ll want to lubricate the rollers, tracks and pulleys.
You can get garage door lubricant as a spray which will make it easier to get to those hard to reach places.
8. How often?
This depends on where you live, what’s in your garage, how often you use your garage, and what you use it for.
You may need to check once a month, or just a couple of times a year.
9. Safety first
Safety must come first.
Obviously you may not have the tools, parts, skills, experience, time or inclination to even think about repairing your garage door, so you might not be able to attempt even the seemingly easy maintenance tasks.
Garage doors are not toys, and are under a lot of tension, and have many moving parts.
We wouldn’t recommend that you fix any major problems yourself.
10. Know your limits
You might not be physically capable of making these checks, or feel comfortable working by yourself carrying out these garage door maintenance tasks.
Perhaps it’s raining or dark, or your children want you to play with them, or you don’t really have the time to spend on your garage door.
If in doubt, leave garage door maintenance to the professionals.
Whether you’re able to carry out these garage door maintenance tasks or not, you might still need some help, advice or guidance, and we’re only too happy to help.
Even if you can’t fix it yourself, you might have still saved time and money by diagnosing the exact problem, and what replacement parts are required, before contacting us.
You might have confirmed that you do actually need a new garage door, or that only a garage door service is required.
Why not Contact Us at 651-702-1420 now, and tell us how we can help you?
It was helpful when you talked about making sure you get a garage door that is weather proof to make sure your items stay dry. We are planning on getting a new garage door and want to make sure we find a good company to help us install it and make any repairs when needed. Personally, I would want to make sure I find someone that can also advise me on how to best care for my door and when to make routine maintenance on it.
Thanks for the tips for maintaining a garage door. My wife and I are getting a new garage door installed, and we want to make sure we know how to care for it. I appreciate you mentioning to lubricate the tracks and rollers. I didn’t realize there was lubricant made for garage doors, but I will be sure to pick some up.
I really like how you talked about properly lubricating the rollers and tracks. We’ve been having a rodent problem in our house because the garage door hasn’t been shutting properly and I may or may not have to replace something. Thank you so much for the garage door tips!
I’ve just moved to a new house, and I have not idea if the garage there was ever checked! It is so messy in there, and the door won’t even open. Well, I believe that this might require some professional look, and I will gladly follow your advice and will not fix it myself as I am worried about my safety. I will make sure to lubricate the moving parts properly after I have it repaired!
Your advice to check that everything on your garage door works as expected, such as your opener, door, handle, and lock, is a great idea. This could ensure that you’re able to notice any problems as soon as possible. Working with a professional garage door maintenance company would be a good idea as well in order to make sure everything’s properly checked so that any problems are found and fixed as soon as possible.
I’ve been needing to get some garage door repair services, and I think that being able to get some tips would be good. I’m glad you talked about how important safety is. I’m going to have to make sure we get garage door repair work done, and make sure its safe! Thanks!
Your advice to check that everything on your garage door works as expected, such as your opener, door, handle, and lock, is a great idea. going to have to make sure we get garage door repair work done, and make sure its safe! Thanks! Keep up the great work thanks buddy
It was interesting how you mentioned that the frequency of garage door maintenance generally depends on how often you use it in addition to other factors. I use my garage door a lot, and I’ve noticed it has been getting quite noisy lately. Since I’m no expert in garage doors, would you suggest I have a professional come perform the inspection/repairs and teach me a little about what I can do to keep up maintenance?
I wanted to thank you for sharing your expertise with me on how to better maintain my garage door. Being a new homeowner, I do not know how to take care of a lot of things; however, I think that this information about checking that everything works is going to be really beneficial down the road. As you said, you can check the opener, the door, the handle, and even the lock to make sure that everything is working optimally. Thanks!
What got my attention was how you mentioned checking for any damage to the garage door, especially if it has been battered by a storm or if a car has crashed against the door. Sad to say, what happened was the latter. My dad came home drunk last night and accidentally floored the car just when he was about to park the car in the garage. The vehicle ended up ramming against the metal door. I need to get it checked by a professional to make sure that it’s not broken or anything. Thank you.
Thanks for mentioning that you need to lubricate all your rollers, tracks, and pulleys. I didn’t realize regular lubrication was necessary. I want to take better care of my garage door, so I have been looking for some tips. These should really help me, I appreciate you sharing them!
I noticed the other day that my garage door has been having a hard time opening and closing, but I can’t seem to find the issue. I like that you suggest checking that all the screws and fittings are tight and secure. I’ll have to check the track and make sure no screws are blocking the rollers. Thanks for sharing.
I appreciate your tips for garage door maintenance. I’ve never thought to check the door after storms, but the hail could very well have damaged it. If so, I’ll be sure to hire a professional to come and fix it up for us.
Thank you for all the garage door maintenance tips. My husband and I just got a new door, and we were wondering what to do to keep it in good condition. That is good to know that once it is clean we should lubricate the rollers, tracks, and pulleys.
My fiance and I moved into a new home recently and both of us need to do some repairs. The first thing we are fixing up would be the garage door. Your point about knowing your limits was really insightful, so we will be contacting a professional for help.
We’ve been wanting to get a good garage door repair service. I’m glad you talked about how you should see if a garage door is weather proof. I think that being able to get some good garage door repair services would be nice, and help us to make sure our door is functioning!
I always love such a short and simple article with very very important tips mentioned in it. I must say all the tips are actually very helpful for many individuals like me. Thanks for sharing.
I agree that you should make sure your garage door is weather proof. You don’t want it to end up leaking, like you said. I’m sure weather can make a big impact on the condition of your garage door.
My husband and I have been having some trouble with our garage door and are wondering if we should consider a professional to come repair it. I really appreciated this article because it gave very detailed ways to check your garage door door and fix any minor maintenance issues. Our door may be having trouble with the tracks, so I’ll be sure to clean those out with a brush and cloth, and I’ll call a professional if the problem persists.
My garage door has been making some strange noises lately and I wanted to see what tips there were about that. I really appreciated how it talked about checking if the individual parts work and looking the opener, door, handle and lock. This is a great idea to narrow down exactly what is not working.
I like that you mentioned that attempting to do your own garage repair may be dangerous, as you do not have the tools or knowledge a professional has. My garage door is rather old, and has been having some problems opening. Do you have any tips for choosing a garage door repair company to help me out?
I find it interesting that you talked about lubricating the rollers, tracks and pulleys to keep up with maintenance. I wonder if WD-40 is ideal? I might end up asking a professional to keep up the maintenance since I don’t have much knowledge. Thank you for your helpful advice on garage door maintenance.
Thanks for the garage maintenance tips. I like how you said that checking the screws is important, as is replacing them if they need it. I could do that myself, but some of these repairs I’d definitely want a professional’s help with!
Garage doors repair is not such an easy task that we can implement it at home and by itself, so it’s better to hire professionals who can emphasize a problem and get it fix completely.
I appreciate that you said how often you need someone to come check your garage door depends on a lot of factors. I would have thought it was a set in stone thing and that would be that. I have a lot of things to think about and really analyze how often I think it should be seen to. I’ll definitely ask the repairman what he thinks when we have him come to do a service.
I really appreciate your tip that you should avoid doing any serious repairs to a garage door if you do not have the tools that a professional does. My wife and I recently moved into a new house, and the garage door that we have is very large. If anything breaks down, I will be sure to contact a professional so I don’t injure myself!
I really liked how you pointed out how people shouldn’t really attempt to fix major garage door problems themselves. My dad recently told me that he noticed a concerning squeak with his door. I’ll definitely help him out in looking for professional garage door repair services near his area as they are better trained and properly equipped for the job.
Thanks for the tips on maintaining your garage door. I never really thought about the fact that you should lubricate your door, even though it has lots of moving parts. I would imagine that having a professional coming by regularly to do maintenance is also a great way to keep your garage door
Really it is a great article and more helpful to get the best assistance for garage door maintenance. I am very glad to go through this kind of helpful blog. Thanks for sharing a nice blog.