We talked previously about how to keep your garage organized. But maybe you want to make more of your garage, or perhaps your needs have changed, or you might even have moved house.
Here’s our guide to making more of your garage
1. Take everything out
We’ve said it before, and it bears repeating, but you’ll need to take everything out of your garage first. This enables you to see what you’ve got, what you want to put in there, and how to make best use of your space.
2. Get rid of what you don’t need
As you already know, you should be ruthless when it comes to getting rid of what you don’t need.
Whilst it might be tempting to keep the bikes or power tools you only used once, perhaps you should get rid of them so that you can use the space for something you will use.
Why not have a garage sale, or put them up for sale on a site like eBay or Craigslist? You can then use the money you make to buy things you want.
Alternatively, you could donate your unwanted items to good causes.
3. Clean your garage
Once it’s completely empty, you can thoroughly clean your garage,.
Make sure that you clean everywhere. Even all all the little hard to reach places, the floor, walls and the ceiling too. This way you’ll know that you’re starting afresh.
There won’t be any dirty patches or missed areas when you start to put things back in your garage either.
4. Maintenance issues
Now is also a good time to look at the doors, windows, electrics, heating and everything you need to make more of your garage.
Perhaps you’ll want to check your door locks are easy to operate, that your windows open and close properly. Also check that you have enough plug sockets, extension cables and lighting, as well as the other Top 8 Things a Garage Needs.
Remember to look at your garage door, and make sure that it opens and closes properly. If you’re going to be using your garage more, you’ll want to make sure your garage door works.
If you haven’t had your garage door serviced recently, or know that there’s an issue with it, call the professionals in to fix any problems.
If you want a better door, or the ability to open or close it remotely, or want a different style of garage door, then your garage door technician will be able to advise you.
5. What will you use it for?
Knowing what you’ll use it for will help you to make more of your garage.
Perhaps you’ll use your garage for:
- Car storage
- Kids stuff
- Workspace
- Band or sports practice
- Sports, leisure or camping equipment
- Storing work items like equipment or stock
Whatever you use your garage for, make sure that it’s suitable.
6. Let your family know
Let your family know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and how, to get them onside. They may even be persuaded to help you!
Get their input, and ask them to think about the needs of the whole family will ensure your garage layout and organization actually works in real life.
There’s no point in putting the kids’ bikes where they can’t reach them, or your tool chest where your cars should be parked.
7. Decide what each area will be used for
If your garage will have several uses, then why not divide it up? This ensures everything is in the right place and easily accessible. You won’t want to have to move a boat or a car just to get hammer out of your tool box.
8. Get things off the floor
If you’re using your garage to store things, then you’ll want to keep them organized, accessible and safe.
Low cost shelving, storage cupboards or even wardrobes will enable you to keep your power tools away from your children, and their sports equipment and bikes to hand, ready for when they are needed.
9. Label everything
Make sure that everything has a place, and there’s a place for everything. Then there’s no excuse for things being left out, put in the wrong place, or going missing.
Remembering to put everything away, and encouraging everyone else in the family to do the same, will keep your garage tidy.
10. Has anything changed?
By regularly addressing your family’s needs, you can make sure that your garage layout still works for you all.
If your children are growing, or now have different interests, they may have old things in the garage they don’t use. You can get rid of them and make sure that they have the space for the things they do use.
The equipment you got for your latest hobby or interest that has been used a couple of times might be taking up valuable space your kids or your car could use.
It might be difficult to get started, and to determine what your garage will be used for, and how to incorporate the needs of all the family, but it’s worthwhile, so you can make more of your garage.
Who knows, you might make some money from selling your unwanted items, find things you thought you’d lost and have a tidy garage!
If you need help or advice on your garage door, whether it’s to do with energy efficiency, or it needs putting back on track, call us at 651-702-1420 today.
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